Hi, i'm Chrisostom web developer


Completed projects

It's an Accounting system for TASAF SACCOS which I participated more than 80% of the project development.

The technology used are php(laravel),javascripty and Ajax. Also free from csrf attack.
  • http://saccos.mifumotz.com
  • supu.png
    This one is school manangement system which is different from other SMS in its unique features like you get to know which concept a student is good at or bad so you can focus on that.

    The technology used are php(laravel),javascripty and Ajax.
  • supuyaelimu.mifumotz.com
  • destination.PNG
    Ride-My-Way is an app where passengers find drivers. I't more of an uber kind

    Their is a separation of technology in this project through it's all done in a JavaScript

    Front-end: React, css, html

  • https://ridemywayfront.herokuapp.com/
  • Login:
    password: password

    Back-end: Nodejs(Express),Json web token (Jwt), Swagger documentation of API
  • https://rideapps.herokuapp.com/
  • Nodejs API & php API

    It's a note api that perfom "CRUD". Also authitication is done with jwt web tokens. Check it
  • https://github.com/chrisoemma/AndelaMeetup4/tree/master/note
  • It's a Article api that perfom "CRUD". Check it
  • Article Api
  • About me

    Know who you are working with

    Hello friend, l'm Chrisostom a web developer who is passionate in web development.

    Main tools I use for web development are JavaScript, react, boostrap for frontend and nodejs(Express), php(laravel), mySQL, mongoDB, postgreSQL for backend development.Ready to learn and adapt to other awesome technologies.

    Currently learning python ready to dive into machine learning(ML).


    Get in Touch


    P (+255) 672137313

    S Chrisso

    E chrissoemma@gmail.com



